Happy Easter! It's just the two of us and our pup this Easter. The first time we don't have our families surrounding us on a holiday. It's bittersweet but we're trying to adult it out. Side note: we've learned we are pretty terrible at adulting. Our shower cracked in a few places and we had the maintenance people come and check it out. Come to find out it was a pretty big deal and they have to do a week's work on it, which means we are shower-less. So our apartment lent us the keys to the model apartment so we could use that shower. Being the sweet wife I am I took ALL of our toiletries to the other apartment so it would be easy to shower and whatnot without having to carry things. 8:00pm rolls around and Andy decides to take a break from studying and go shower. However, the apartment people forgot to give us the alarm code {minor details...} that obviously arms itself after hours {or someone armed it after I left. Remember I left ALL our toiletrie...