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Showing posts from March, 2016

We pretend to be adults.

Happy Easter! It's just the two of us and our pup this Easter.  The first time we don't have our families surrounding us on a holiday. It's bittersweet but we're trying to adult it out. Side note: we've learned we are pretty terrible at adulting. Our shower cracked in a few places and we had the maintenance people come and check it out. Come to find out it was a pretty big deal and they have to do a week's work on it, which means we are shower-less.  So our apartment lent us the keys to the model apartment so we could use that shower. Being the sweet wife I am I took ALL of our toiletries to the other apartment so it would be easy to shower and whatnot without having to carry things.  8:00pm rolls around and Andy decides to take a break from studying and go shower. However, the apartment people forgot to give us the alarm code {minor details...} that obviously arms itself after hours {or someone armed it after I left. Remember I left ALL our toiletrie...

Amateurs Like Us. Why we do it.

Equestrians. Why do we do it? I haven't been able to show my horse for six years on the account of college and graduate school taking up my life, as well as money. So of course, now that I'm finished, I want to pick it up again. Riding is a part of me. On a horse I find my true self. A part I have missed for too long. Why is the equestrian sport so addicting? It doesn't matter what discipline you do, be it show jumping, eventing, team roping, reining, dressage, or even endurance, it takes a place in your heart. It's unavoidable. And let's be honest, you're lucky if you win enough in the money class to pay for your entry fee. So why in the world do we do it? Traveling all over the place on the weekends for a few minutes in the ring, it's hard for some to understand. But we amateurs, we love it. So I decided to actually think about why I want to start showing again. Why I want to start spending the hours and hours in the saddle again. And he...

"All's well that ends better" It's SPRING

It's spring! Well, it's been spring for over a month now but I can't complain. Andy has been studying- a lot. Another quarter down and onto the next! I just have to say that I am so proud of him. He works so hard. I am now an official occupational therapist as of this month {OTR/L} Yay! Raja has been rabbit hunting in the yard and occasionally chewing random objects to pieces {tape dispenser, sticky notes}. And we've been having some fun in-between... The horses made a safe trip from Alabama to Arizona... That's Loui on the right and Chief in the middle.  Loui has become known as "pig pen". Every time {without fail} he's in the pasture he dumps the water trough over and rolls in the mud. I think he misses Alabama mud. Poor guy. We miss it too.     Andy's parents {Mrs. Kelly and Mr. Billy} came to see us!  We went furniture shopping.  ...