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Just In The Nick Of Time...Long Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

As you all probably know the new Star Wars movie (The Force Awakens) was recently released. So naturally, Andy and I decided to watch episodes I-VI bit by bit to refresh the details. That Andy can quote word for word... 

It was during Episode II Attack of The Clones that I realized we, as Christians, are like the Jedi. Don't think I'm crazy just yet- let me explain...

So Padme, Anakin, and Obi Wan have just been taken captive and are to be executed in this arena {which is set up like the games, or gladiator arenas}.

A rally of Jedi {the ones with the lightsabers} have come into the arena to save the three captives when they are over taken by the droids {the bad guy robots}... The Jedi have fought their best and it looks like there is no way out.

             Here is a video to refresh your memory:

At 22 seconds, Master Windu refuses to surrender to Count Dooku. He knew he had others on his side that he could trust to come through for him. As we have Christ on our side to come through for us.
"Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord".
Psalm 112: 6

Right after he and the other Jedi warriors refuses to give in, taking a step out in faith... reinforcements arrive!

Faith is stepping out and doing what God has called you to do, even when you don't know the outcome.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
Hebrews 11:1

Sometimes it takes an act of faith before God comes to the rescue.

There are many examples of this in the Bible but one in particular is 1Kings 17:7-16 where Elijah was fed by a widow who had nothing. She was preparing her last meal for her and her son, expecting to die when Elijah came to her. He asked her for a meal, for he had nothing either, and told her the Lord would provide food for them{for the Lord had told him this}. She trusted Elijah and the Lord's word and thus stepped out on faith, giving Elijah everything she had- and the Lord kept his promise. Faith is the step between promise and assurance. We may not see the solution to a issue we are facing until we take the first step of faith.
Other examples are in Luke 5:1-11when an act of faith caused the fisherman to catch a multitude of fish, or in Joshua 3 when the river did not dry up for the Israelites to cross until they put their feet into the water's edge.

Now I am the first to admit I am horrible at this. I may actually be the worst. It seems easy to just have faith in the Lord's plan and not worry, but it's not, it's tough. really tough. But it's possible. And that's what separates us as Christians, we don't have to live with the hopelessness, the anxiety, the fear of the future- for our future is in His hands.

"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future"  Proverbs 31:25

I have to tell myself this daily and pray for strength to believe constantly. Without Jesus helping me daily, I would be nothing {I would actually be the first one to turn to the darkside, consumed by anger, fear, and suffering; but that's a whole other story}...
 Andy and I have seen proof of God answering prayers right when we think it is too late. {And I have to admit, sometimes I have lost the faith, not lost the faith that God can do it but that He will do it}. Really though, why would He care about what school we go to, what city/state we live in, the strength of our marriage, the friends we make, or what job we find? Honestly, I don't know how or why our God has the love and grace for us he has; but I know His will for us is better than we could ever image for ourselves. And that is how I have found peace. Moving across the country, leaving our family and friends, graduating OT school, trying to find a job and pass boards, watching Andy work so hard for school- yes, it can all be stressful. And yes, everything you are dealing with, it's stressful; but if we have God on our side, and we're seeking His will...
we win. every time.
                                                "God is within her, she will not fall.
                                                  God will help her at break of day".
                                                                      Psalm 46:5

So back to Star Wars...
The Jedi reinforcements swoop in to save the day, just in the nick of time. Right before they were about to be defeated.

I think that's how God likes to demonstrate His power; swooping in right when there is no other way we can be saved, when we have done everything in our power to save ourselves {and failed},
He saves us. {This way we as humans simply can't take the credit, because nothing we could have done would have helped us; we are forced to give credit to God. And praise Him.}
We just can't loose faith. We can't give in too early.
Imagine how horrible it would have been if Master Windu and the others gave in before reinforcements arrived, they would have put themselves in an awful situation... embarrassing.

God's timing is perfect, it's never late.

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me."
Psalm 138:7

Now we can't pull the "I'll just sit around and wait for God to save me card either".
Let's look back at the Star Wars clip... Notice when reinforcements came in they came to help the Jedi, Yoda and the clones fought with them.
Padme, Anakin, and Obi Wan definitely had to do their part- they had to work hard and fight valiantly. As we must.
This is the part that gets tricky for me. Learning how to balance doing my part {fighting valiantly}, taking a step of faith, and then trusting God to show up and carry me the rest of the way. It's a tough balance to keep. But I believe if we can master it, we will find the perfect peace that God promises. And with that peace and balance become great warriors {or Jedi} for the Lord.

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not dismay, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous hand."
Isaiah 41:10

It's comforting to know God promises to be with us. Promises to help us, fight beside us, and when it's too much for us to handle {when we are at the end of the line, surrounded by enemies with no other way out} - carry us the rest of the way. to victory.

"Let us then approach God's throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need"
Hebrew 4:16

Lastly, I have to remember not to underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer can be the best weapon we have and I am the first to forget to use it. So that is my challenge for myself; to pray unceasingly, seek God's will for our lives, fight valiantly, and trust Him wholeheartedly to save us...even if it's just in the nick of time.

                                                            Thanks for reading friends,
                                                          and may the force be with you.


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