As of August, we have been official Arizonians for 3 years! Seems kind of crazy that it's been that long. We have all learned a lot about the west. So, in celebration of our 3 year Arizonniversary here are a few things Arizona has taught us... about survival. 1. Get up early. From about May-September if we want to run, hike, ride the horses, swim at the pool, really anything outdoors we are up the the flipping crack of dawn because any other time of the day is miserable. When it isn't the heat of the summer, the evenings are pretty decent. And when people say, "oh it's a dry heat out there though, so that's probably not so bad", I literally laugh out loud. Before we moved here people had told us the dry heat isn't so bad {you know who you are}. So we stupidly went out to the barn to clean stalls in 120 degrees. I thought the hot breeze was going to melt my eye balls. And then we were both sick with chills the rest of the day. Now, under 105 degrees,...