Love Bring Us Home was my original blog name. It was fitting for the time- we were moving across the country and leaving "home". However, Arizona has become home now- our family has become "home". Yes, we are still going to move back to the south, eventually. (and I SO look forward to that day). But for now we are just trying to keep it simple and enjoy our time out west; as long as we're together, we are home.
I've changed the name of the blog to Keep It Simple. I like the word "simple". It's a good word.
Having a baby makes it difficult to keep things simple. You feel like you need to take all of your household items in order to go to lunch with a friend. This is not true. Over the last 9 months we have learned to slowly {slowly being the key word} consolidate to travel necessities only. We have flown with our baby 6 times in 9 months { 2 of those times I was alone and 2 of those times we had our dog, as well}. First of all, we learned to ignore the unpleasant people who mean mug you when your baby is screaming{
We have been working daily at simplifying many areas of our lives. A lot of self frustration, anger, and discontentment come from complexity. Of course there are areas in our lives which must remain complex but why make every area difficult?
Traveling, toys, adventures, small daily victories, household chores, exercise, happiness, joy- simple. Everything doesn't have to be so complicated. So here's to enjoying the simple things in life and enjoying each moment with each other.
We have a new blog title, new blog page, and a new little life going on here. Thanks for going through this journey with us! And thanks for reading.
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