Mr. & Mrs. Buck est. 4 October 2014
This is our story....
Our story begins near a lake. Our families competitively water skied together - so naturally we were put together to play.
We conquered many a foe together while taking shelter in the infamous Simba Tent. We also saved lives in my barbie jeep {not pictured because it was short lived}. Andy & his brother, Billy, destroyed it.
Note Dylan, my brother, sporting those classy shorts.
As we grew older we attended more sophisticated affairs...
Prom 2008
Then there are these...
As expected, we are once again near a lake.
We went our separate ways during the early college years {and learned many life lessons}.
I moved to UAB in order to attend OT school. One year later Andy moved to UAB to pursue his dental school dream.
Alas, we were reunited once more.
Dating Andy was a blast.
We had the best times and some of the more frightening times I had yet experienced.
He learned to ride horses with me...
And I learned to ride bikes with him.
February 2014 Andy asked me to be his wife. We were on a bridge in the snow. It was a wonderful time. That night and that picture is only in our minds, we have no pictures of the event but we will never forget it.
We had some engagement shots...
{there's the lake again}
And this happened...
Yes, we were shocked we actually got up.
Of course there were some interesting shots of the drop.
OH, did I mention we drove to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to get a puppy?
We shall call her Raja Rose.
And I have to give a shout out to Macie {my cousin, best friend, and room mate at the time} for having to live with Raja and me in the beginning. It was a rough few months and she graciously lived with the accidents, crate training cries, and midnight potty breaks. Thanks, Mae.
Oh, and of course she had to be acclimated to the lake.
October 4, 2014 FINALLY arrived!
And we said yes!
We honeymooned in St. Lucia and went diving.
Exploring the ocean with Andy was an adventure I will always remember.
We speared lion fish and had the cook at the resort prepare it for dinner, pretty cool. I didn't realize my finger was on the camera lens... so most of our pictures are a light tan blob.
So this is us!
We love the outdoors, we're almost always up to learning something new, and we obviously love the lake.
Raja grew up to be a pretty cool pup.
She decided to like the water {Andy was pumped}.
That's Dylan and Ace on the left, we hang out with them some.
And last but NOT least...
We are moving to Arizona.
We are excited about our new adventures out west.
Thanks for reading!
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