Andy has been living in Arizona
My wonderful family accompanied us on the 27 hour road trip {1,731 miles). We shared intense bonding time and a few cutting edge moments.
Raja started in the back... we see where she ended...
plenty of cuddle time.
Fields of Oklahoma
So we originally planned to make the trip in 3 days - make stops, take our time, enjoy the drive. If any of you know Randy Calhoun then you know this was simply against his human nature. Therefore, we slept only 4 hours the first travel night. And made it in 1 day and a half... It was slightly torturous.
Yes, people in Texas and New Mexico use windmills. I thought it was cool, so I took pictures.
We all shared in the driving shifts.
Little snow sights in New Mexico.
New Mexico is where Lone Survivor was filmed {if anyone was wondering}. Dylan keeps us informed on these things, whether we want to know or not.
And finally Arizona!
We arrived at our new home at 1:00 in the morning... exhausted.
{Notice Andy's temporary Christmas tree pictured in the corner. "Is that a car air freshener?" Might you ask... Why yes, yes it is.}
Therefore, the Christmas decorating began immediately the next day. It was very tiring for pup.
This is something you don't see often... Dylan reading and Dad studying.
more desert exploration...
they're cute.
pup's cute too.
Andy has been enclosed in the library and has not been able to join in the fun yet {I don't just exclude him from pictures}.
Plans for the next few days include a drive to the grand canyon, snow skiing a couple hours north of us, and more Arizona exploring. Stay tuned...
We wish you all a wonderful Christmas! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
Thanks for reading!
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